Top 10k strings from Spectrum Computing - Issue 20 (1985)(ASP Software)(Side B).tzx
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4 CCCCCCCCCCCC 3 PREFVAL=10 3 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 3 ;" " 3 "> 2 GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 2 ;"RESISTOR COLOUR CODER" 2 ;" PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE " 2 //////////////// 2 " Pressing 2 VALUE. 2 1 zoot$ 1 zoot 1 z$=z$+" There is the added feature of speech at various times in the program, and without using Currah's little add-on. This is rather clearer than other speech I have heard on the Spectrum. Incidentally, you can hear it if you rewind the tape in 'play' mode." 1 z$=z$+" In my mind this one just has to be a winner. It has the ideal combination of zapping and thinking, and the sprites are very well designed. " 1 z$=" So,you have to think carefully or you'll make it difficult to complete a screen. Sometimes you can be saved by Super Zip flying onto the screen and zapping a few monsters....but don't let him touch you! " 1 y$=y$+" This is a platform game with a difference, because here you can move the platforms. Usually, however, when you move down on a platform, you then have one platform less... " 1 y$=y$+" The aim of the game is to help him collect them all. However, there are lots of friendly looking monsters to deal with. These are defeated in different ways. Some you simply punch to death. Others you must leave trapped on a ledge. Some are more difficult to deal with...... " 1 y$=" The star of this game is a character named Zoot. His favourite game is marbles, but he can't play as they have all rolled out of sight down a drain. " 1 x$=" 1 with the name~SCREEN$~. To LOAD in your own"'"program type"'"LOAD """"SCREEN$"" 1 with a graphical representation of a four band resistor. The 1 tolerance of the resistor and 1 to in Megohms ( or M 1 these information pages & press-ing 1 these bands may be advanced by pressing keys 1 the current screen to your ZX- 1 review r 1 resval=260000 1 resistor." 1 resistor will be closer to its 1 rescode d 1 refered to simply as Ohms - E.G.222 Ohms ( 222 1 prefval=270000 1 of the resistor the closer the 1 may be advanced by pressing 1 lmlmlmlmlmlm"> 1 jjijjjiiijjjj jijijijijiji"! 1 jjijijiijijijijijijj"! 1 jjiijjjijij jjijijijij"! 1 jijjiiiji"> 1 jijijjjijijijiijijiiiiiiiijijijj"> 1 jijijjijijjjiij"! 1 jijijijijjiiiiijjjiijjijijijijjj"! 1 jijijijij"! 1 jijijijiijijjijijiijijiijijijijj"> 1 jiijjjii"> 1 jiijjiijjiijj"! 1 jiij jj jj jjjjjjjj"! 1 jiiijijjj"> 1 is that the resistance of a 5% 1 into IMAGER Q to quit and load next program" 1 indicated value than will a 10% 1 in basic." 1 imager w 1 ijjjijijijijjjijijj"> 1 ijijijijiiijijijijijiijijijijj"> 1 ijijijij"> 1 ijijijiijiijijijijiijijijijijiji"! 1 iii iii iii iii"! 1 first three bands determine the resistance of the resistor and 1 d2e:e'd/dHeqeBeUexexe 1 code ! 1 arcticscr 1 YOUVE GOT ARCHIE HOME WELL DONE"> 1 YOU SCORED "*| 1 WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW 1 W P Q R S T U V W@P@Q@R@S@T@U@V@W`P`Q`R`S`T`U`V`W 1 Unknown Command 1 Type HELP or some other command 1 TYPE LOAD ~~ "> 1 TOO MUCH"> 1 TOLBAND=TOLBAND+1 1 Stored in 1 Start address : "* 1 START TAPE... 1 RESVAL=(10 1 RESVAL<1000 1 RESISTOR 1 REMOVE TAPE !! 1 PRINTER ( if you have one attac-hed.) 1 PRINT PAGE TWO 1 PRINT PAGE THREE 1 PRINT PAGE ONE 1 PRINT PAGE FOUR 1 PRINT NEW RESISTANCE 1 PRINT NEW PREFERRED 1 PRINT INFORMATION PAGES 1 PRINT HELP PAGE. 1 PRINT "PRESS ANY KEY" 1 PRESS ANY KEY TO RESUME PLAY"> 1 PREFVAL>10 1 PREFVAL=PREFVAL*M(BAND3) 1 PREFVAL=P(F+1 1 PREFVAL=P(F): 1 PREFVAL=82 1 PREFVAL=1E7 1 PREFVAL<82 1 PREFERRED VALUE MUST BE IN THE RANGE 1.2-6.8 1 PAPER <NO> 1 P$=P$+" 5%" 1 P$=P$+" 10%" 1 P$="Resistor value is 260k 1 P$="Resistor value is "+P$ 1 P$="Nearest preferred value is "+P$ 1 OUT OF ROOM ! 1 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 1 O H I J K L M N O@H@I@J@K@L@M@N@O`H`I`J`K`L`M`N`O 1 NOW YOU CAN TRY TO DO IT AGAIN"> 1 NOT ENOUGH"> 1 NEXT SCREEN>>>>> HOP A BLOCK >>>"> 1 NEXT SCREEN PLUNGERS REVENGE>>>"> 1 Missing number 1 MOVER <NO> <NO> 1 MOVE <NO> <NO> 1 LOAD THE CODE. 1 INITIALISE VARIABLES. 1 IMAGER EXPLANATION ****************** For Spectrum Computing 1 I2 + 1 GGVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 1 GAME OVER"! 1 G @ A B C D E F G@@@A@B@C@D@E@F@G`@`A`B`C`D`E`F`G 1 End address : " 1 ERASE "PRESS ANY KEY" 1 Don't forget to buy next month's issue. Remember with our magazines on tape you don't have to spend hours slaving away at the keyboard to see what a program is like - just load it !! 1 Digital Imager Version 1.3 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 Commands ... 1 CONTROLS Q UP"> 1 CONGRATULATIONS"> 1 COMPUTER GAMES PRESENT"> 1 COMPILER V 0.2 1 CHECK FOR PRINTER COPY 1 CC_____ZYYYY]]]]]Z^^YYY_______CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 1 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 1 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC# 1 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 1 CAT$ 1 CALCULATE NEW PREFERRED RESISTANCE VALUE. 1 CALCULATE NEW 1 By Pete Cooke June 1985 1 BRIGHT <NO> 1 BORDER <NO> 1 BAND3=BAND3+1 1 BAND2=BAND2+1 1 BAND1=BAND1+1 1 Array End Address : "* 1 Any resistance below 1 000 1 ASTROBYTE"! 1 ARCTIC G2 1 ARCTIC G1 1 ARCTIC E 1 ARCORE 1 ADVANCE TOLERANCE BAND. 1 ADVANCE BAND TWO. 1 ADVANCE BAND THREE. 1 ADVANCE BAND NNE. 1 >NEXT SCREEN>>MIND YOUR HEAD>>>>"> 1 >NEXT SCREEN>>>IT TAKES TWO>>>>>"> 1 ;C$(BAND3) 1 ;C$(BAND2+1 1 ;C$(BAND1+1 1 ;"When running, the bottom"'"two lines of the display are"'"used for input and prompts."'"The top 22 lines contain the"'"image to be altered." 1 ;"This program will de-code any four band colour-coded resistor.": 1 ;"The program recognises"'"over 30 commands." 1 ;"The program operates in"'"command mode, rather like the"'"basic interpreter. When loaded"'"you are presented with the"'"prompt..."''"> 1 ;"The fourth band indicates the 1 ;"The Imager program is a way"'"of altering 1 ;"The Commands."'' 1 ;"Start the tape..."; 1 ;"S to load 1 ;"Loading Imager" 1 ;"It is also possible to make"'"mirror images, shrink, enlarge"'"and rotate screen$." 1 ;"It allows you to take a"'"screen$ and shift it right, leftup or down."' 1 ;"If you feel you need reminding of the keys & their operations, pressing 1 ;" An Introduction "; 1 ;" to the IMAGER "; 1 ;" Press C to copy to printer,"'" Space to continue."; 1 ;" Program. "; 1 ;" ": 1 ;" " 1 ;" T End of tape, 5010:1 " 1 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 1 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1 /////////////// 1 ////////////// 1 //////////// 1 ///////////- 1 /////))))//////// 1 ///)))))////////// 1 /))))//////////// 1 .The lower the tolerance figure 1 ,T(TOLBAND) 1 ,C(BAND2+1 1 ,C(BAND1+1 1 *M(BAND3+1 1 *BAND1+BAND2)*M(BAND3) 1 *BAND1+BAND2 1 )-PREFVAL) 1 ))))))))))))) 1 )))))))))))) 1 (RESVAL<1000000 1 (RESVAL/1000000 1 (RESVAL/1000 1 (RESVAL)+" 1 (PREFVAL/1000000 1 (PREFVAL/1000 1 (PREFVAL-P(F)) 1 (PREFVAL)+" 1 ''''''''x$: 1 ''" The program presents you 1 '"XOR (exclusive or) This"'"acts as OVER 1 in basic. If the"'"pixel was on it is turned off"'"and if it was off it is turned"'"on. Some effective ~solarized~"'"pictures can be obtained by"'"mixing OR and XOR with small"'"moves." 1 '"VIEW Prints the latest"'"version of the screen$." 1 '"SWOP This simply swops the"'"X and Y coordinates. The"'"effect is a reflection in a"'"mirror diagonally up the screen." 1 '"STORE This command converts"'"a normal screen$ into a table ofpixels. Evan in machine code"'"this takes several seconds as"'"45056 pixels have to be checked." 1 '"STATUS This displays the"'"sequence of commands used on"'"the current picture." 1 '"SHRY (Shrink Y) This halves"'"the Y coordinates and squeezes"'"the screen$ to half it's height." 1 '"SHRX (Shrink X) This works"'"as SHRY except that the screen$"'"is shrunk to half it's width." 1 '"SAVE Will save the displayedimage as a 1 '"ROT Rotates the image"'"anticlockwise through 90 degrees" 1 '"QUIT Exits the program." 1 '"ORIG After a long series"'"of alterations this restores"'"the original image." 1 '"NEGY When a screen$ is loadedand stored the program keeps"'"a table of every black pixel's"'"X and Y coordinates. X is the"'"across coordinate and Y is the"'"up coordinate but unlike"'"Sinclair basic 0,0 is at the"'"centre of the screen." 1 '"NEGX This will make a mirror"'"image of the screen$ in the"'"left and right." 1 '"MOVE x y This command is"'"followed by two numbers."'"Each number should be between"'"-127 and 127. The effect is to"'"move the whole screen$ by that"'"number of pixels. If x is"'"positive then the screen will"'"be moved right. If x is negativethen the screen$ will be moved"'"left. Similarly y +ve will move"'"the screen$ up and y -ve will"'"move it down." 1 '"MAGY This is the opposite of"'"SHRY and expands the screen$ to"'"double the height." 1 '"MAGX As with MAGY except the"'"width of the screen$ is doubled." 1 '"INVERT This flips all the"'"pixels in the screen$,"'"effectively swopping PAPER and"'"INK colours (see STORE)." 1 '"INK x As in basic except as above." 1 '"HLOAD This will allow you to load headerless screen$ as used"'"in more recent games." 1 '"DISON Turns the auto display"'"back on if you have turned it"'"off." 1 '"COPY Will copy the screen$"'"to a spectrum printer if"'"attached." 1 '"CLSON Normally after each"'"command the new image is added"'"to the old on already on screen.CLSON automatically clears the"'"screen before printing the new"'"image." 1 '"CLS Exactly as in basic,"'"this simply clears the screen." 1 '"BRIGHT x As in basic except as above." 1 '"BORDER As in SPECTRUM basic"'"this alters the border and"'"input area colours." 1 & PRESS A KEY 1 % %"! 1 "stances between 1 000 1 "arcticscr" 1 "Your probably totally dazed"'"after wading through that but"'"don't worry. The best way to seewhat the program can do is to"'"experiment !"''"Because the program needs a"'"SCREEN$ to work from I have put"'"a picture (of a cat) straight"'"after the main program on the"'"tape. Just type LOAD and STORE"'"when the Imager is running." 1 "You should STORE a screen$ as"'"soon as it is LOADED (see"'"later). Otherwise CLS will"'"lose the picture." 1 "RESISTOR" 1 "Press R to read this again or"'"press L to load in the imager"'"program."''"N.B. To chain next program from Imager, use LOAD option in the program." 1 "PAPER x This works as in basicexcept that the whole screen is"'"immediately set to the paper"'"colour." 1 "OR The program has two"'"ways of plotting a new image on"'"the screen. The default is OR"'"which works like PLOT and DRAW"'"in Sinclair basic. This command"'"will turn the OR mode back on"'"if you have used..." 1 "Note that repeating a command"'"like NEGX has the effect of"'"undoing it!" 1 "NEGY makes all the Y coordinatesnegative. The effect is to make"'"a mirror image of the screen$"'"with the top and bottom swopped"'"over." 1 "MOVER x y As MOVE except that"'"the screen$ is moved relative"'"to it's last position."'"For example MOVER 1 1 followed"'"by MOVER 2 1 is equivalent to"'"MOVE 1 1 and MOVE 3 1" 1 "LOAD Exactly the same as"'"LOAD "" 1 "If the program responds with out"'"of room there are too many blackpixels to fit in the table. Try"'"inverting the screen and"'"STOREing again. If this fails"'"try CLS and VIEW, you may have"'"only lost a few pixels at the"'"bottom." 1 "HELP This simply lists all"'"the commands on screen." 1 "DISOFF Normally the new image"'"is displayed after each"'"alteration. If you are buildinga complex image in several partsyou will not want all the"'"intermediate stages. DISOFF"'"(display off) will stop the"'"computer automatically showing"'"the new image. You can still"'"display the picture with VIEW"'"or turn the automatic facility"'"back on with..." 1 "CLSOFF Turns off the"'"automatic CLS." 1 "ARCTIC G2" 1 "ARCTIC G1" 1 " Gold ","Silver" 1 " Black"," Brown"," Red ","Orange","Yellow"," Green"," Blue ","Violet"," Grey "," White" 1 " ": 1 " " 1 will quit and LOAD next program." 1 will bring up a help page for you to peruse. " 1 will bring up 1 will allow you to copy 1 respective- 1 resistance will be to thevalue indicated by the coloured 1 press 'R' to read again 1 press 'L' to load next 1 or just"'"LOAD"""" 1 is the symbol for ""OHMS"" ) is 1 is refered 1 are refered to as Kilohms ( orK 1 and PRESS A KEY 1 advance band two"; 1 Second Pass 1 STOP THE TAPE 1 START THE TAPE 1 SPECTRUM COMPUTING ISSUE #21 1 Now Loading " 1 Now Loading 1 NO ERRORS 1 First Pass 1 Advance tolerance band" 1 Advance band three"; 1 Advance band one"; 1 ARCTIC ANTICS 1 1983 Martin Lewis 1 ). However resi-" 1 ) ) E.G. 64K 1 & PRESS A KEY 1 & 919 999 1 WRITTEN BY CHRIS MORRISON"> 1 The star of this game is a character named Zoot. His favourite game is marbles, but he can't play as they have all rolled out of sight down a drain. The aim of the game is to help him collect them all. However, there are lots of friendly looking monsters to deal with. These are defeated in different ways. Some you simply punch to death. Others you must leave trapped on a ledge. Some are more difficult to deal with...... This is a platform game with a difference, because here you can move the platforms. Usually, however, when you move down on a platform, you then have one platform less... Z 1 So,you have to think carefully or you'll make it difficult to complete a screen. Sometimes you can be saved by Super Zip flying onto the screen and zapping a few monsters....but don't let him touch you! There is the added feature of speech at various times in the program, and without using Currah's little add-on. This is rather clearer than other speech I have heard on the Spectrum. Incidentally, you can hear it if you rewind the tape in 'play' mode. In my mind this one just has to be a winner. It has the ideal combination of zapping and thinking, and the sprites are very well designed. 1 STOP THE TAPE 1 ERROR 1 What this means in practice 1 THEN ENTER "> 1 ! ! 1 Press a key to continue 1 In similar vein,any resist-ance over 1 000 000 1 WYE VALLEY SOFTWARE 1 PRESS P TO PLAY"> 1 RESISTANCE VALUE. 1 INCLUSIVE 1 "> 1 ~ 1 Z DOWN"> 1 X TO EXIT"> 1 P RIGHT"> 1 M JUMP"> 1 I LEFT"> 1 1 PAUSE"> 1 "! 1 Bug Byte 48k press any key to read reviewY 1 Bug Byte 48k press any key to read review" 1 "> 1 Bye Bye for now !!! 1 1